Day 347: The Gift of Seed

Proverbs 13:25 The godly eat to their hearts’ content, but the belly of the wicked goes hungry. Principle An appetite for good brings much satisfaction, but the belly of the wicked always wants more. The first gift that God gave to mankind was the gift of seed so that man could determine his diet, thus…

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Day 346: A Diligent Man

Proverbs 12:27 Lazy people don’t even cook the game they catch, but the diligent make use of everything they find. Principle A diligent man takes care of everything his hand touches, making the most out of his possessions. When I was in college, I took a step of faith by selling my car, so I…

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Day 345: Domestic Violence

Proverbs 11:29 Exploit or abuse your family and end up with a fistful of air; common sense tells you it’s a stupid way to live. Principle We should champion our lives in front of our families before all others. The NFL announced rigorous measures and conduct standards for their players. On the premise that playing…

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Day 344: Aspiration or Ambition

Proverbs 10:28 The aspirations of good people end in celebration; the ambitions of bad people crash. Principle The end of the ambition is horrific. The end of those who aspire ends in celebrations. For some men, there’s confusion regarding the entrepreneur’s internal drive to achieve success. They struggle to justify their desire for an increase…

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Day 343: Secret Food

Proverbs 9:17 Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious! Principle Your appetite for secret food isn’t about your stomach but your heart. It is subtle when it happens. You may have had a tough day, and on your commute home, you pull into a convenience store, fill up with gas, and walk…

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Day 342: You Have a Cause

Proverbs 8:10 I prefer my life disciplines over chasing after money and God-knowledge over a lucrative career. Principle Life disciplines and God-knowledge will get you where you want to go more than money and power. As men, we are designed with an entrepreneurial drive, which empowers us to pursue the means to meet our needs,…

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Day 341: How the Mighty Have Fallen

Proverbs 7:26 She has brought many victims; her slain is a mighty throng. Principle Very weak agents can bring down a strong man. Proverbs is the compilation of wisdom written by a man to men. When you repeatedly read Proverbs, Solomon’s primary concern for men is the Adulteress. She is portrayed as cunning, seductive, deceptive,…

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Day 340: Body Language

Proverbs 6:12-14 Riffraff and rascals talk out of both sides of their mouths. They wink at each other; they shuffle their feet; they cross their fingers behind their backs. Their perverse minds are always cooking up something nasty, constantly stirring up trouble. Principle Shifters and gestures are signs that we should discern. On a recent…

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Day 339: The Shadow of Sin

Proverbs 5:22 The shadow of your sin will overtake you; you’ll find yourself stumbling all over yourself in the dark. Principle Evil deeds ensnare those who work evil. The tactics, schemes, devices, and tricks a man plays to get ahead catch up to him. The same means that he uses is what is used against…

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Day 338: Watch Your Step

Proverbs 4:26 Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways. Principle Walk confidently toward your destiny. A few months ago, I damaged my feet during an intense workout. The impact weakened my ankles. After examination and a few x-rays, we found no fractures. I quickly learned the…

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