Sunday, January 19 • 2025

Day 19: Don’t Be Stupid

Proverbs 19:3

People ruin their lives by their own stupidity,
so why does God always get blamed?


“Life is hard. It’s even harder when you’re stupid.” – John Wayne

The word for ruin in this verse actually indicates someone who twists, turns, and falls – it has the imagery of someone slipping and sliding on thin ice. They run on unsafe foundations, and when they crash through, instead of accepting the blame for their stupidity, they turn their anger toward God.

It’s like the television shows that entertain the stupidity of people caught on camera. You marvel and ask, “What were they thinking?”

The truth is that they weren’t thinking. That’s the problem.

As a young man, I worked seven nights a week in a strip coal mine in southeastern Oklahoma. I was responsible for managing the water pumps to keep the strip-mine open. One frigid night the water had frozen, in order to manage the pump, I had to walk out to the platform which it was stationed upon. As I walked the ice began to crack, and I plummeted into the water.

My life was in danger from my stupidity. I disobeyed the voice of wisdom to walk on the ice. It was a lesson learned for a naive young man.

We’ve all done things that we could describe only as stupid. God is not to blame. Life is hard, so let’s not be stupid as we’re living it.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 19

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