Day 317: Don’t Refuse Loving Your Child
Proverbs 13:24 A refusal to correct is a refusal to love; love your children by disciplining them. Principle Without guidance, your child will go wild. With guidance—directional intent—your child will have joy. It is a scene repeated much too often—a young man gets involved with a crime and is injured, jailed, or worse, dead. The…
Read MoreDay 316: The Weight of Worry
Proverbs 12:25 Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up. Principle Worry weighs you down. Encouragement lifts you up. I’ve known people who considered worrying as a sign of their commitment and love. They express their love for you by how much they worry about your behalf. It seems that they’re…
Read MoreDay 315: Your Gift Will Make Room For You
Proverbs 11:26 People curse the one who hoards grain, but they pray for God’s blessing on the one willing to sell. Principle Your gift will usher you into greatness; a lack of character will escort you back into obscurity. Joseph, a young dreamer, matured to become Egypt’s Prime Minister. You may remember that Joseph’s path…
Read MoreDay 314: Fears & Hopes
Proverbs 10:24 The fears of the wicked will be fulfilled; the hopes of the godly will be granted. Principle Fears serve as warning signs. Hope serves as a directional sign. One of the worst things about living a life of wickedness is the haunting that comes with it. Fears can be warning signs that…
Read MoreDay 313: Wisdom First Works
Proverbs 9:10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Principle Wisdom is the principle thing — start with wisdom. We need to learn from how God does things. His ways are higher than our ways. His thoughts are much more precise and defined than our thoughts. So, if we will not…
Read MoreDay 312: Stop Hurting Yourself
Proverbs 8:36 Those who fail to find me harm themselves; all who hate me love death. Principle Those who hate wisdom harm themselves. When a man thinks he can navigate life without wisdom — he hurts himself. It’s amazing to see men think that they’re smart enough or have had enough life experience not to…
Read MoreDay 311: Listen to Me
Proverbs 7:24 So listen to me, my sons, and pay attention to my words. Principle Faith comes by hearing; hearing comes by the Word. If you’re going to lead people, you must give them faith to follow. That means that people need to hear from you for direction. I can’t recall not having chores to…
Read MoreDay 310: Worthless Liars
Proverbs 6:12 What are worthless and wicked people like? They are constant liars. Principle You can never trust the words of a liar. Our culture is conscientiously accepting lies from leaders of government and business. Many leaders use the art of lies, which is mendacity, to deceive purposefully. Stockholders excusing fraud for profit. Politicians say…
Read MoreDay 309: Captivated by Love
Proverbs 5:19 She is a loving deer, a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always. May you always be captivated by her love. Principle Never belittle the woman who believed in you. Never admire the one who didn’t. Our Advisor encourages us to consider the tenderness, gracefulness, and love of the wife of our…
Read MoreDay 308: Focus
Proverbs 4:25 Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Principle Your life will always move in the direction of your focus. “My father could look straight ahead but concentrate on something on the very edge of his vision, almost nearly behind him.” – Dale Earnhardt Jr. There is something very…
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