Day 81: Be Aware
Proverbs 22:3
A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Be aware and take precautions.
The tenth generation of mankind was very busy eating, drinking, romantic intrigue, marrying, and giving in marriage. Along with these distractions, they also corrupted business, and when they didn’t get what they wanted, they became violent. These people became simpletons – silly people, easily distracted, enticed, and deceived. (Matthew 24:38; Luke 17:28-30; Genesis 6:11)
Noah was a prudent man – meaning aware, alert, crafty – he walked with God in the daily commute and was warned about the coming cataclysmic judgment – the earth would experience a water baptism – a cleansing from the wickedness of man. He was able to take necessary precautions to save his family. (Hebrews 11:7)
As I travel each week, I have noticed that travelers are often unaware – they do not walk with determined steps and purposeful direction. They look like cattle – simpleminded and following the herd on the trail.
When I walk through the corridors of airports, drive interstates, and fly to new cities, I am constantly aware of my surroundings when I eat at restaurants and enter stores. My eyes are taking in the room. I survey those who are in the room. I am very alert to the circumstances.
A FivestarMan is faithful. We walk with God in the daily commute. By doing so, the Spirit of God will give us foresight of danger so that we can take necessary precautions. We’re aware. We’re alert to what is happening around us.
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Thank you Neil for helping encourage all of us to be 5 Star men!
David, thank you for being a voice of authentic manhood and representing FivestarMan.