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Day 158: Hell – The Chambers of Death
Proverbs 7:27 Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death. Principle Hell is real. Don’t go there. Remember Albert Einstein’s famous quote, “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” That pretty much sums up what Proverbs says about adultery. Men and women…
Read MoreDay 157: Light Overcomes Darkness
Proverbs 6:23 For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and correction and instruction are the way to live. Principle Darkness does not have the power to overcome light! Historically, darkness is representative of the force of evil. It is tempting to conclude that darkness is an all-consuming force – that it…
Read MoreDay 156: Don’t Expose Yourself
Proverbs 5:15-17 Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well. Should your springs overflow in the streets, your streams of water in the public squares? Let them be yours alone, never to be shared with strangers. Principle Don’t expose yourselves to public disgrace. This is an incredible use of a…
Read MoreDay 155: The Bread & Wine of Violence
Proverbs 4:16-17 For they cannot rest until they do evil; they are robbed of sleep till they make someone stumble. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. Principle Some men have taken the communion elements of violence. Jesus made an astonishing statement, “For as were the days of Noah, so…
Read MoreDay 154: Safe & Sound
Proverbs 3:21-26 Dear friend, guard Clear Thinking and Common Sense with your life; Don’t for a minute lose sight of them. They’ll keep your soul alive and well, they’ll keep you fit and attractive. You’ll travel safely; you’ll neither tire nor trip. You’ll take afternoon naps without a worry; you’ll enjoy a good night’s sleep. No need…
Read MoreDay 153: Romancing Spirits
Proverbs 2:18 Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead. Principle The seductress is a spirit, and she leads to death. As you read, The Daily Champion and the corresponding chapter in Proverbs, you find a few subjects become repetitious – adultery is one that Solomon can’t…
Read MoreDay 152: When Wisdom Calls, Answer the Phone
Proverbs 1:24 I called you so often, but you wouldn’t come. I reached out to you, but you paid no attention. Principle Wisdom is trying to reach you. Some men have self-defeating habits of not responding to phone calls or emails. They’re lazy when it comes to returning calls or taking a moment and promptly…
Read MoreDay 151: Drunkenness – It’s Not for Kings!
Proverbs 31:4 It is not for kings, Lemuel – it is not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer, lest they drink and forget what has been decreed and deprive all the oppressed of their rights. Principle Drunkenness is not for kings. Bathsheba’s pet name to her son, Solomon, was Lemuel,…
Read MoreDay 150: The First Command With a Promise
Proverbs 30:11 Don’t curse your father or fail to bless your mother. Principle The first command that comes with a corresponding promise is the honorable relationship of children with fathers and mothers. The King James Version translates today’s Proverb this way, “There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.”…
Read MoreDay 149: Don’t Be Flippant
Proverbs 29:20 Do you see someone who speaks in haste? There is more hope for a fool than for them. Principle Some men lack a partition between their vacuous mind and their flippant tongue. The Bible tells the story of Jephthah, who was the son of a Gileadite and a prostitute. Because of his illegitimate…
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