Day 356: Generous Hands


Proverbs 22:9

Generous hands are blessed hands
because they give bread to the poor.


I’ve never asked God to meet a need in my life when He didn’t show me someone whom I could meet the need in their life.

Generosity is one of the most powerful forces on earth. When it is practiced, the generous person becomes a conduit of blessing for everyone they meet.

I remember when God first impressed upon me to become a generous person. It started with his challenge to stop thinking about what I didn’t have and to start thinking about what I did have to give.

One day, I was praying while I drove to my appointment, “Father, I have a large need. In order to pay the bills that are due and to accomplish what I have in my heart, I will need a large cash flow this week.”

At the very moment that I closed the prayer, I looked up and saw a man with a sign that read, “Will work for food. God bless.” Let’s be honest; we’ve seen thousands of these guys. At that very moment, I felt impressed to give to that man. The traffic light was about to change, so I looked in my billfold, and all I found was a “Benjamin” — a hundred-dollar bill!

To be transparent, I couldn’t wait and didn’t hesitate, nor could I ask him for change. I rolled down the window and handed it to him.

Within a few minutes, my secretary called to tell me someone had just dropped off an offering at the office. It was the exact amount that I had asked for.


The Bible is clear, the generous person is blessed, meaning that he will have more than enough to continue to be a blessing to those who are in need. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 22

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