Day 318: The Cancer Called Jealousy

Proverbs 14:30

A peaceful heart leads to a healthy body;
jealousy is like cancer in the bones.


Jealousy is like bone cancer.

There is a kinetic relationship between our emotional balance and the physical health of our bodies — it is not only a biblical truth but a scientific fact. That is why we need to be aware of our emotions.

When most men talk about emotions, they go to extremes — either deny feelings altogether or demonstrate uncontrolled expressions of them. We need to avoid both extremes.

Remember, as authentic men; we draw upon the deep waters of purpose that are on deposit within us — from the heart, which is the “seat of purposes, seat of appetites, and seat of emotions.”

When we have these “seats” in alignment, they work perfectly to our benefit. If they are reversed in order, they are disastrous. When we understand our purpose, we dictate our appetites and manage our cravings; thus, the expression of our emotions is in check.

Now, our emotions help keep our bodies healthy. We need to maintain our health and stamina to fulfill our purpose in life — which completes the circle.

Our Advisor warns us about a cancer called Jealousy. Jealousy is an unhappy feeling or a deep-seated antipathy toward someone else because we want what they own. It becomes an unsatisfied craving or appetite.

Even though Ahab was the King of Israel, he was jealous of a neighbor’s vineyard and wanted to buy it. Naboth refused the king’s offer for a good reason — he did not want to release the inheritance of his forefathers for a profit. Ahab became very disturbed, even to the point of physical sickness.

Ahab went home angry and sullen because of Naboth’s answer. The king went to bed with his face to the wall and refused to eat!1 Kings 21:4

Here’s a man who perverted his purpose as a king and couldn’t control his emotions. Ahab’s emotions controlled his appetite, and he refused to eat. Ahab thought that his position as a king privileged him with another man’s possessions. That is a fundamental flaw in those who lead without purpose. Where the purpose is unknown, abuse is inevitable.

The king was so distraught and sullen over his covetousness that his wife plotted slanderous accusations against Naboth and had him stoned. He was murdered because the king didn’t know his purpose.

“Any authority that is used as a means to be served rather than to serve is satanic in nature” Jeff Ables


Keep the alignment of your purpose — appetites — emotions. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 14

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  1. Clyde on March 31, 2022 at 5:32 am
