Day 261: Friends


Proverbs 18:24

Friends come, and friends go, but a true friend sticks by you like family.


A friend is someone who shows up when everyone else has left.

The Hebrew word for friend indicates those who flock together or graze together in a pasture. It paints a picture of the sheep out in the field, binding together while they eat.

Friends can become closer than blood relatives. They can have more in common and have more harmony than brothers. That’s what friends do; they dine together – laugh – cry – share experiences as they go about the business of life.

However, not all friends are true and faithful to friendships – often when things don’t go their way – they can come and go. There seem to be two ways to weed out who are true friends – go through a crisis, and you may find that your friendship list gets pretty small – or strike it rich, and you may find an envious person is questioning your worthiness. In either case, consider it a good thing that their motives are exposed. Keep a list. When facing a crisis. Who ran to you? Who talked about you? Who ghosted you?


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Read Proverbs Chapter 18

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