Day 231: Loyalty is Attractive

Proverbs 19:22

Loyalty makes a person attractive. It is better to be poor than dishonest.


A loyal person draws the attention of leaders – they’re attractive.

My experience has placed me in leadership positions that required me to lead a few employees to a high of 250 employees. I can tell you that this proverb can’t be over-emphasized. A loyal employee is attractive, and there is nothing more repulsive than giving someone employment only to see them prove unfaithful and disloyal.

Unfortunately, disloyal people usually have an uncanny ability to demonstrate their destructive power at crucial times.

To be perfectly transparent – I hate disloyalty – I hate it with a passion. It is the spirit of Lucifer himself and is disgusting! Am I honest enough?

The idea that as you’re paying someone a salary – the paycheck feeding their families – then they show such ingratitude to work against you as a leader is just a pathetic act of cowardice.
How do you respond to the dishonest?

“I watched Satan fall from heaven like a lightning flash.” – Jesus (Luke 10:18)

I recommend you terminate a disloyal person as quickly as possible and without hesitation.


Disloyalty isn’t just a bad decision - it’s a character flaw. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 19

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  1. Jerry Lee on September 2, 2014 at 8:51 am

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