Day 22: Teach Your Children Well
Proverbs 22:6
Point your kids in the right direction—
when they’re old they won’t be lost.
As fathers, we have the responsibility to give our children intentional direction and teach our children well.
Did you know that Abraham was chosen to be in covenant with God because of his teaching ability? That’s right, God chose him because, “he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just so that the Lord will bring about for Abraham what he has promised to do.” (Genesis 18:19)
God actually assigned His covenant blessing to Abraham because he could be trusted to teach.
Children are insatiable learners. If we as parents do not teach our children, they will get their wisdom from someone else. Unfortunately, they often will go to the unknowing for knowledge. The knowledge that children learn from the world or from their friends is often the knowledge of good and evil. It can be sinful and wicked. You don’t want to relegate your responsibility to others.
Notice, Abraham’s teaching would ensure God’s promises. God said, “I will bring about for Abraham what I have promised to do.”
Great men of faith are men who believe for something that requires more than their own lifetime to achieve it. Do you have faith for something beyond your lifetime? If you do, you’re going to want to direct your children toward it.
The greatest compliment a father can receive is to hear his children tell their children, “We serve the God of my father.”
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One of our readers suggested this video as a visual to today’s teaching.