Day 206: Salt On Wounds

Proverbs 25:20

Like one who takes away a garment on a cold day, or like vinegar poured on a wound, is one who sings songs to a heavy heart.


Showing respect when others are facing sadness and tragedy is polite behavior.

A FivestarMan is gallant. A gallant man conducts himself appropriately on every occasion. We need to have a good understanding of decorum. Having good taste in conduct and appearance is essential. Showing respect when others are facing sadness and tragedy is polite behavior.

Unfortunately, our society has lost its politeness. Recently, a tragedy hit the world scene – hundreds were killed – yet, those who were in leadership showed no remorse or sympathy. Even though the tragedy involved another country, our administration failed to show decorum. They barely mentioned it during a press briefing – focusing their attention on the trivial matters of their political agenda. Their social media posts were trite and flippant. It is as if juveniles were in positions that require seasoned experts.

You may not know what good manners are – you may not be aware of the protocols of decorum – but that is not a good reason to be disrespectful. We should take the time to learn some manners and how to conduct ourselves in polite society.

Some men may brush this off as unimportant, but it is important. It is part of being gallant.


Don’t pour salt on wounds. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 25

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  1. Jim Lay on September 6, 2019 at 5:23 pm

    On day 206 :
    I’m uncertain of what administration you were commenting about?
    Republicans or Democrats??