Day 160: Bad Wife – Bad Marriage

Proverbs 9:13

Then there’s this other woman, Madame Whore – brazen, empty-headed, frivolous.


Not every woman is representative of godliness.

Our primary objective at FivestarMan is to empower men – to strengthen the representation of authenticity among men – to build a class of men who are so focused upon manhood’s original intent and purposes that we earn respect and have an influential voice.

Let me preface what I am about to say with this – no woman should be treated better than if she is married to a FivestarMan. The five passions of authentic manhood are so ordered that a wife should be the beneficiary of a FivestarMan.

Unfortunately, not every man is married to a woman who desires biblical manhood – she is much like Jezebel, a married woman without cohabitation (that’s what the name Jezebel means). This is the kind of woman who is foolish, simplistic, a murmurer, and brazen. She makes animalistic sounds – growling, roaring, crying aloud. She has fits of rage. She is always in an uproar.

If you’re married to this kind of woman, I am sorry for you. It is a delicate matter. I wish I could give you hope, but it is tough and troubling. I do believe that if you dedicate yourself completely to become the man that God has purposed for you to be, you may redeem the situation in your marriage. It will take time to sow the seeds of your words to produce the harvest of fruit that will be beautiful and pleasing.

The Apostle Paul tells us about the mystery of the Church being demonstrated in a marriage. There are times that the Church doesn’t reflect well on the groom; however, He continues to sanctify us through His Word – cleansing the Church to be spotless and without blemish. Make no mistake about it – it can be very frustrating to see the Church not act with the dignity and respect we should, but we are not without hope. Your marriage is not without hope as well.

Please know that I have prayed for you – even while writing this Daily Champion.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 9

The Daily Champion

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  1. Clyde on October 24, 2020 at 6:36 am

    The very first message I heard from you concerned the area of agreement in a marriage, and somewhere in there comes the 3rd voice. That 3rd voice for me is that Jezebel spirit. This spirit is very controlling with her anger. Everything you say is true. My wife and I agreed to have her mother live with us due to her financial issues. I can’t begin to explain the web and depth of control, hate, and belligerence expressed in this spirit. Unforgiveness and bitterness and interference with family, the one thing out of 7 God hates. AND THE NEXT THING YOU KNOW. I GET IN THE FIGHT AND BECOME BITTER. That was the wrong thing to do.
    Your answer was to drive out strife. THAT STARTED WITH ME.
    Square One is all I can say at this point.
    Several issues went out of agreement in the marriage. Just like you said here, a bad situation.
    Yet there is hope. Thank you for your prayers. Your teachings from the Word of God are very powerful and a counseling session distance but very powerful in the present. Take care.