Day 112: A Satisfying Life
Proverbs 22:4
The payoff for meekness and Fear-of-God is plenty and honor and satisfying life.
A satisfying and fulfilled life is the payoff of humility and respect toward God.
Men value profit. Men want to know what the payoff is in the exchange. Before taking on the challenge to fight Goliath, David asked the question, “What will be done for the man?” What does it profit a man who lives contrary to the culture – a man who lives to please God rather than oneself?
Jesus answered that very question this way, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)
This culture seeks and chases after all of the material things that can be manufactured – gathers all of the wealth that it can – hoping that life will be satisfied, full, and secure—people who don’t know God and the way that He works fuss over things.
Our Advisor tells us that the payoff for meekness and Fear-of-God is the kind of life that everyone else is chasing after, yet, we don’t have to chase after it – whatever it is that we need or desire the byproduct of our lifestyle of believing in Him.
Let me be clear – seeking God is not about the getting but about the relationship that we have with Him – ALL the things that satisfy, honor, and supply will come from that relationship.
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