Friday, March 28 • 2025

Day 87: Don’t Storm Into Your Home

Proverbs 28:3

A ruler who oppresses the poor
is like a driving rain that leaves no crops.


Poor Leadership can cause storms.

The weather in Oklahoma, where I was raised, plays a significant role in your life – especially in the spring. The winters can be difficult, but the spring brings the storm season – thunderstorms, hail, and tornadoes are a part of life. The storms can bring much-needed rain that serves as a blessing for farmers and greening the landscape – but they can also bring disasters – the hailstorms can destroy cars, roofs, and wipe out entire crops.

That’s the warning that our Advisor gives us regarding leaders who have the opportunities and hope of being a blessing but actually cause disasters from their leadership.

I’ve traveled in Central and South American countries that had incredible opportunities and resources available to them, yet their people struggled in poverty because their leadership caused disasters rather than develop economic opportunities for their people.

Let’s bring this closer to home – when you come home – does your family see your coming leadership as a blessing or are they frightened that you would cause a storm? Do you oppress your family, or do you draw out the deposit of resources within them?


Don’t storm into your home. Bring nourishment. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 28

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