Day 66: The Brazen Look

Proverbs 7:13

She took hold of him and kissed him, and with a brazen face, she said: “Today I fulfilled my vows, and I have food from my fellowship offering at home.”


Not all spiritual women are godly.

Our Advisor uses a unique word to paint this woman’s picture who takes hold of a young, naive man. He uses the word, azaz’ which means brazen, firm, or strong. This is not a weak damsel in distress; in fact, she is the opposite – she is stout, strong, and hard – she is aggressive and forceful to get what she wants.

There is a certain look that is used in photography of this kind of woman. She isn’t feminine. She doesn’t represent innocence or subtlety. This woman isn’t looking for prince charming.

This is the kind of woman that looks at men as someone to conquer. She doesn’t like authentic manhood. She mocks and laughs at men. This woman devours a naive young man and is insidious and sadistic in her actions with him.

There is one more thing to take note of about her: she claims spirituality. She said, “Today I fulfilled my vows – come and take communion with me.” Amazingly, she unashamedly uses her spirituality as an invitation to have sexual relations with her.

Make no mistake about it; the spirit behind this woman has evil intentions and is brazenly seductive.


The look of love isn’t brazen. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 7

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