Day 61: Treasure Common Sense

Proverbs 2:7-8

He grants a treasure of common sense to the honest.
He is a shield to those who walk with integrity. He guards the paths of the just and protects those who are faithful to him.


“Common sense is as rare as genius.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

God gives the true treasure of common sense to those who are honest. Honesty is a foundational pillar of wisdom. No man will ever leave a lasting legacy who has not lived with integrity. History has a way of bringing out the truth of a man’s life and isn’t kind to the man who did not deal honestly.

I had a relative that wasn’t an honest man. In fact, he was a liar. He would make up stories, not for the sake of humor or in jest, he simply would not tell the truth. I don’t know why. I don’t know his motivations, but I know it was embarrassing because the truth would be revealed. He was a pretender.

Our Advisor tells us that integrity serves as a shield. God has a protection plan for those who are just and faithful to Him.

Job said, “Let God weigh me on the scales of justice, for he knows my integrity.” (Job 31:6)

Job went through a rough time but held onto his integrity through it all – even after his wife mocked him asking, “are you still holding onto your integrity? Curse God and die.”

Job held onto his integrity and established his legacy.


It makes sense to be honest. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 2

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Read Proverbs Chapter 2