Day 59: Moral Rot Destroys a Nation

Proverbs 28:2

When there is moral rot within a nation, its government topples easily. But wise and knowledgeable leaders bring stability.


The stability of a nation rests upon its people’s moral fiber and its leaders’ wisdom and knowledge.

Any student of history knows that a nation’s greatest enemy is the moral rot of its own people. When a nation faces a foe’s violence, it rallies to the cause with purpose and resolve. However, when that nation enjoys peace and comfort, its boredom takes on a moral decline and self-indulgence.

Everything rises and falls on leadership. As someone so aptly said, “The people have voted now they must be punished.” Or, as another has spoken, “The people elect the leadership that they deserve.” If a nation elects a person for selfish gain, they will soon see that their leader enjoys gain at their expense.

The nation of Israel murmured against God and wanted a king like all of the nations around them – God warned them that a king would be an expensive entitlement – and it proved to be true. The nation rose and fell on the leadership that served Israel. Some were good kings while others were wicked, and the nation of Israel paid for their decision.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 28

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