Day 51: Mad Dog Leaders

Proverbs 20:2

Quick-tempered leaders are like mad dogs – cross them, and they bite your head off.


When a leader loses control of himself, he forfeits inspirational influence.

If you intimidate people to lead them, you will not attract strong, creative, and driven people around you. You will not maintain an inspirational atmosphere in the workplace and will forfeit long-term success for your company or organization.

Conflict often begins with an issue but very quickly turns personal through a breakdown of communication. Quick-tempered leaders often resort to personal attacks and threatening language to seize control. However, this never solves the problems but actually exacerbates them.

Conflict distracts you from your goals. It breaks focus. It destroys relationships and crushes creativity. If you aren’t inspired, don’t expect your followers to be.

I know a man who is by all measures a genius. He has one of the best minds that I’ve ever seen in many regards – incredible ability; yet, as smart as he is, his leadership borders on abuse. He occasionally has delusional thoughts and crafts tests for employees to check their loyalty to him. He is extremely suspicious and overbearing in control. The collateral damage of his leadership is a sad commentary on an otherwise inspirational man.

As men, we should be very careful to build our leadership skills beyond positional intimidation and into purposeful inspiration.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 20

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