Day 41: Live a Legacy

Proverbs 10:7

A good and honest life is a blessed memorial;
a wicked life leaves a rotten stench.


The greatest compliment that you can ever receive is to hear your children tell their children, “We serve the God of my father.”

Solomon said that God placed eternity in the heart of man. In other words, we have the concept of endless time – that alone is an amazing principle that should guide and guard our lives.

At the end of our days, each of us will perform an internal audit – examining our lives – reviewing our decisions, and surveying whether or not we will be remembered. I’ve had the opportunity to sit down on the porch with seasoned men and heard them muse on their lives. Amazingly, each man did not brag or list their assets – they didn’t inventory what they had purchased. No, interestingly, these men had one concern – their concern was how would they be remembered.

We should consider this as we live our lives and make our decisions regarding life. How will this decision determine my legacy? What will this do to further my cause? Will my children be enriched by my life? Will my children point to me as an example to follow?

A man of great faith believes for something that could require more than his lifetime to see come to pass. With that in mind, we must make daily decisions with a legacy mindset.


Make decisions to live a legacy. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 10

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