Day 4: Fatherly Advice

Proverbs 4:1-2

Listen, friends, to some fatherly advice;
sit up and take notice so you’ll know how to live.
I’m giving you good counsel;
don’t let it go in one ear and out the other.
When I was a boy at my father’s knee,
the pride and joy of my mother,
He would sit me down and drill me:
“Take this to heart. Do what I tell you—live!


Wisdom is generational.

Wisdom has a generational track. It has the ability to become an inheritance. A father sits down and shares his life lessons to his son, hoping to spare some of life’s challenges and the pains associated with them. As that son sits atop the knee of the “old man,” he seldom values the tremendous blessing that he is receiving by hearing wisdom. However, once he becomes a father he too calls his son to climb up and sit at the seat of his experience.

Some of us can’t recall that kind of father. We don’t have those memories of our fathers. What are we to do? That is one of the great benefits of Proverbs – it is the wisdom of a father speaking to his son.

You may not have inherited generational wisdom, but you can become the patriarch of it. Learn wisdom. Call your son to take at the seat of your experience.


Wisdom is generational. Take some fatherly advice. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 4

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  1. John Lund on November 10, 2020 at 7:37 am

    Good morning Neil,
    The person that reads Proverbs four somehow misses verses nineteen and twenty. It may not be in your wheelhouse to get that fixed but it would be nice if someone could do it! I hope that you are having a wonderful week!