Day 336: Highway To Hell

Proverbs 2:17

Entering her house leads to death; it is the road to the grave.


Sin is proximity.

It is an incredibly powerful image to see in your mind— when a man, seduced by seductive words and the unreserved exposure of an immoral woman, is on the fast track to death and the grave. It is the highway to hell.

Few men realize that the covenant breaker—the immoral woman—has allowed a seductive spirit to embody her to entrap vulnerable men. Seduction is a spirit that entices a man with the look of the eye, the whisper of words, and the caress of suggestion. Her craft is the capture. Her art is adultery.

It is, frankly, embarrassing when a man gives up the dignity of his manhood for her. His value plummets. His influence was wasted. The collateral has ripple effects that last a lifetime.

I have seen the mighty fall. I’ve witnessed brilliant men pay the toll to ride this road. I’ve wept with men who gave up the woman of their dreams for the fantasy of a whore.

You’re better than this!

Don’t believe the lie that suggests that all men do it. Don’t buy into the scheme that sin is secretive. Don’t be seduced by the spirit. Don’t take the highway of the harlot.


Sin is proximity. Don't go there. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 2

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