Day 292: Loyalty

Proverbs 19:22

Loyalty makes a person attractive.


There is something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.

I must admit that this subject is a sensitive one for me. As most leaders have found through difficult experiences, people can be very fickle when it comes to loyalty.

I hate disloyalty. I can’t stand it. The spirit behind betrayal is the same adulteress spirit that seduces people into a false reality. They are delusional. They believe a lie by telling it. I’ve seen the darkness envelop them, work them like puppets, and speak words through them like a ventriloquist.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is the person loyal to their disadvantage, who will pay the price to guard their word and character. They’re attractive people, aren’t they?

As a leader, I have learned my lesson. When I was young and naive, I trusted people. When I became older and wiser, I tested people.

I worked for a leader who had been burned many times by disloyal, even to the point of creating a suspicious attitude, at times, delusional thoughts toward all others. When he had a promotion for someone in mind, he would carefully orchestrate a situation to test their loyalty. If they passed, he would give them a huge opportunity. If they failed, they never knew that he had a better position planned for them.

Some leaders find this a difficult concept to grasp; however, I recommend you study Matthew 25 concerning the Parable of the Talents. Jesus teaches this qualification before the promotion concept.


Loyalty makes a person attractive. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 19

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