Day 262: Disgraceful Children


Proverbs 19:26

Children who mistreat their fathers or chase away their mothers are an embarrassment and a public disgrace.


It takes discipline to discipline correctly.

It only takes one visit to Walmart to see how our society has lost its sanity regarding disciplining children. Children are ruling their parents. It is becoming much too prevalent – disobedient, disrespectful, and insolent children. It’s a byproduct of years of neglectful parenting.

Now the debate is how do we discipline? The old-fashioned switch from a tree has put a famed NFL player on trial for child abuse. We’ll see how that turns out.

Here’s what I know – if you love your children, you will discipline them and raise them to treat you and your wife with respect. Respect is fundamental in establishing them to prosper and live a long successful life. However, it takes discipline to discipline correctly.


Don't allow your children to disrespect you. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 19

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