Day 251: Begin With Wisdom

Proverbs 8:22

The Lord formed me from the beginning, before he created anything else.


God began with wisdom.

The more we dig into the science behind creation, the more we discover about the order of things and the laws which govern the universe – we see the remarkable qualities of wisdom.

The order and governing laws indicate that our universe can’t be an accident. They show the wisdom of God in creation.

Just as the Lord founded everything upon wisdom – we should establish everything upon wisdom. This means that we will have order and govern our lives with the principles of wisdom. We’re creationists, not an evolutionist. We don’t rely upon random. We’re not waiting for something to happen; we make it happen by applying the principles of wisdom.

That’s what Proverbs gives us – by reading a chapter a day; we establish a rhythm and order of things in our lives.


Begin with wisdom. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 8

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