Day 250: Seduced by Smooth Talk

Proverbs 7:21

With persuasive words, she led him astray; she seduced him with her smooth talk.


Don’t give an adulteress the proximity to speak seductively to you.

The adulteress uses the art of persuasion to captivate her victims. She is smooth in her language and flirtatious in the rhythm of her speech. Don’t underestimate her tactics – she is a seasoned schemer.

What’s the best way to keep from being led astray by her? It is as simple as proximity.

You can’t sin with an adulteress without yielding to her the proximity to speak persuasive words into your ears. You may think this is oversimplifying it, but it’s that simple.

Knowing the pitfalls that many of my friends have fallen into and seeing men’s negligent behavior regarding flirtation with women – I established and have lived by rules that keep a distance and limit an adulteress’s ability to speak with me.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 7

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