Day 24: Avoid Unnecessary Conflict
Proverbs 24:1-2
Don’t envy evil people or desire their company.
For their hearts plot violence, and their words always stir up trouble.
Some battles are a distraction from a worthy cause.
As men, we often have a warrior mentality, which is good when it comes to having the courage and zeal to fight for a worthy cause; however, there are times when we are confronted by contentious people and become distracted.
Nothing of great value is ever achieved without facing violent opposition from mediocre minds. If you are in pursuit of a cause, you will face opposition. The challenge becomes knowing how to focus your attention toward the objective without being side swiped by those who oppose you.
Our advisor gives us insight, “Don’t envy evil people or desire their company.” The word envy seems obvious; however, let’s look a little deeper into the meaning. It gives the picture of someone who burns with zeal or becomes rivals with the person. This means that we should not change the zeal from our cause and turn attention toward our rivals.
David is a biblical example. When David inquired about the cause to fight the giant, Goliath – his elder brother, Eliab attempted to rival him and send him home. He belittled him in front of others because of his jealousy; however, David remained focused on the cause and dismissed his distraction. (1 Samuel 17:28)
On the way toward your cause, don’t be distracted by unnecessary conflict.
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