Day 229: Simple-Minded Men

Proverbs 17:12

Better to meet a grizzly robbed of her cubs than a fool hellbent on folly.


NEVER underestimate the destructive power of a simple-minded man.

For the last couple of years, I’ve had the incredible opportunity to speak at men’s conferences in Alaska. It’s been especially enjoyable to hear the adventurous stories that the men have – stories of the great last wilderness. One thing I’ve picked up is that these men greatly respect bears. They don’t fool around with them.

As wild and dangerous as the wilderness can be – it is a walk in the park compared to the destructive power of a fool hellbent on folly. Never underestimate the destructive power of a simple-minded man.

When I was young and naive, I couldn’t comprehend this principle – now that I have some experience in dealing with people, I can’t emphasize it enough. Don’t mess with a fool. Keep your distance. Don’t let them get too close to you or your business.


I'd rather fight a grizzly than tangle with a fool. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 17

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