Day 225: The Company of the Wise

Proverbs 13:20

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble.


If you’re the most intelligent guy in the room – you need a new crowd.

I have seen this principle played out countless times. When young men have the opportunity to be around seasoned and mature men, they grow right before your eyes.

As a young man, I had the opportunity to be around some wise men – I never left their presence without having nuggets of wisdom to digest in my spirit. As I have matured, I have worked diligently to continue my quest for gaining understanding – I’ve also worked hard to pass on what I’ve learned to younger men. That is the goal of The Daily Champion – I attempt to be a conduit to pass on whatever I’ve gained to pass on to you.

On the other side of the coin, if you associate with fools, you’ll see your life fall to pieces. I’ve also seen this play before – making alliances with fools will cost you.

What do you do if you’re stuck? I recommend you open as many books as possible and start reading. We’re so blessed to have access to so many great books of great men.


Look around for wise men and keep their company. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 13

The Daily Champion

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