Day 178: A Man Who Strays

Proverbs 27:8

Like a bird that wanders from her nest, so is a man who strays from his home.


You will never hold onto what you’re ungrateful for.

I can’t tell you how many times that I’ve seen men who have worked hard to build a house, furnish it and gather up their man toys in the garage, only to see them stray from their home. I always wonder, “Why would he give it all up?”

A good friend of mine seemed to have it all – his dream job, a beautiful wife, healthy and growing kids who admired him greatly – and yet, he lost it all by straying from his home.

Men… We’ve got to understand what we’re doing here. We have purposes of living out. God designs us to take care of our families. It’s our responsibility. It’s part of being an authentic man.

I believe that one of the reasons that men stray from their homes is that they’re not grateful for what they have. They take it all for granted and fail to give thanks. It’s easy to compare ourselves with those who have more than show humility by seeing all those who have less.

Did you know that if you make $33,000 per year – you are in the top 1 percent of income earners globally? That’s right – 99 percent of the world makes less than you do. Check out how rich you are at the Global Rich List.

We’re afforded so much opportunity that we need to take advantage of our potential to meet our household needs – grant the desires of our families – and then finance our purpose. A little humility and gratitude for this privileged position in life will help keep you at home.


Look around your home and show a little gratitude. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 27

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