Day 13: Intelligent Parenting

Proverbs 13:1

Intelligent children listen to their parents;
foolish children do their own thing.


Intelligent Parenting: Never discipline whom you have not discipled.

One of the biggest mistakes that parents make is assuming that children know something that they haven’t been taught. I have seen parents speak with extremely harsh tones and curse words to berate their child while the child stood there with a look of total confusion.

Constant correction without explanation will exasperate your child. To exasperate is to arouse anger as a form of punishment. It is an insidious treatment that causes deep and bitter emotional wounds.

Don’t assume that your child knows what you know. Teach them. Train them up. Instruct them on how to do things and why.

Intelligent children listen to their parents because they have intelligent parents who speak to them. Foolish children do their own thing because their parents are absent teachers.


Never discipline whom you have not discipled. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 13

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