Day 125: God Placed Eternity in the Heart of Man

Proverbs 5:11

You don’t want to end your life full of regrets,
nothing but skin and bones,
Saying, “Oh, why didn’t I do what they told me?
Why did I reject a disciplined life?
Why didn’t I listen to my mentors,
or take my teachers seriously?


Don’t make decisions with eternal regret.

One of the passions of a FivestarMan is to leave a legacy with a philanthropic cause. Solomon said that God had placed eternity in the heart of man (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We need to live with eternity in mind. We should make decisions based upon eternity. If we don’t want to end life full of regrets, we will make decisions with a long-range lens view.

Some men live with retirement in mind. They think in terms of working 50 years and then finally getting to enjoy some of the fruit of their labor. I’ve talked with men who spent their entire working life striving and laboring to gather enough money so that they could finally live a little.

I highly recommend that you shift your thinking – think eternity – you’re not working to live for 25 – 30 years in retirement. Use your entrepreneurial drive to gather resources – enough to meet your needs, enough to grant the desires of your family, and a supply to fulfill your purpose.

At the end of your days, you will conduct an internal audit of your life. Will you be able to make declarative statements, or will you be asking yourself regretful questions?


As you're going through life - live it - live eternally minded. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 5

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