Day 113: You Make Me Want To Dance

Proverbs 23:15

Dear child, if you become wise, I’ll be one happy parent. My heart will dance and sing to the tuneful truth you’ll speak.


The joy of parenting is seeing your children make wise decisions.

Raising children is a huge undertaking. It requires an enormous commitment on the parent’s part. Schedules are demanding. Energy levels are drained. The financial investment that we make for children is the equivalent to running a small business. Despite all of the challenges, I must say that Kay and I enjoyed every stage of our children’s lives, but this stage is the best thus far.

We’re getting to see God’s hand of favor and blessing upon our young adult children – each of them is experiencing His guidance and intervention on their behalf. We see them making wise decisions regarding their lives.

There is no greater joy than seeing your own children make smart decisions. It makes me want to dance – shout – it makes me want to bow down and show my gratitude. It humbles me.

I want to encourage you. If you are presently raising children, remember, they will not always be little, demanding, costly, and immature. They will mature into smart, capable, self-sufficient, and wise adults. You’re doing an excellent job. Keep it up.


Your heart will dance and you will sing over your children. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 23

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