Day 268: Be Refreshed
Proverbs 25:25
Like a cool drink of water when you’re worn out and weary is a letter from a long-lost friend.
Speak kind and comforting words.
I came to Christ under the leadership of these wonderful people. I lived in a small town in Oklahoma – worked in a coal mine – had experienced enough in a few years of young adulthood to know that I needed Christ. Rev. Charles and Sister Taylor were there not only to lead me to the knowledge of Christ but were also so kind to invite me into their home where I asked Brother Taylor a thousand questions.
Yesterday, I received a handwritten note from Sister Taylor (I know it’s old-fashioned to refer to her with the honorific term of a sister, but she is fully due to that title). The note shared with me how grateful that they are for me and for the books that I’ve written. Frankly, I am humbled by the very thought that they are proud of me. They knew me at my worst, I only hope that they’ve seen me at my best.
Her words encouraged me – strengthened my resolve to press on for the mark of the high calling. I refuse to live beneath the dignity of the one who gave me life.
Is there someone that you can write a note to encourage? Your words may be a cool drink of refreshment for someone.
Speak kind and comforting words.
I can’t seem to open the video for this day. Thank you for your hard work in getting these videos ready for each new day! May the Lord richly bless you and keep you in His care!