Day 187: Smooth Talking Woman

Proverbs 6:24

Keeping you from your neighbor’s wife, from the smooth talk of a wayward woman.


Don’t listen to flattery.

There are two types of speech that aren’t worth listening to – always cynical critics and those who use flattery. Neither speaks with honesty.

Our Advisor warns men to avoid the smooth talk or flattery of the neighbor’s wife. This woman is dangerous because of the proximity. She is too close. She’s familiar. She thinks that she has access to you because she shares a neighborhood.

We must be very proactive in guarding ourselves against a woman like this. Don’t allow yourself to be close enough for her smooth talk to be only heard by you. Keep your distance. Don’t have a private conversation with her. Don’t allow her to tickle your ear with her smooth talk.

Never allow a woman close enough to whisper in your ear. Keep your distance.


All sin involves proximity. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 6

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