Day 168: Friends Are For Sympathy – Mentors Are For Solutions
Proverbs 17:10
A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.
If you want sympathy go to a friend; however, if you want solutions, go to a mentor.
As difficult as it can be, receiving a reprimand can be a gift of tremendous value. The word rebuke means to restrain or resist. The word picture for a rebuke is as a barrier that restrains the sea from its advances out of boundary.
As adventurous and entrepreneurial men, we must have people in our lives who are willing and able to rebuke our advances and help protect our boundaries—men who can teach us restraint.
The challenge for us is to receive a rebuke correctly and from the right person. This kind of rebuke is more accurately given by a father, a seasoned mentor, or from the Word of God. Unfortunately, very few peers have the ability, knowledge, or wisdom to censure us correctly.
There is an idea in men’s ministry circles that suggests, “We need people who will hold us accountable.” I understand what they’re saying; however, I also know that every man who ever asked me to hold him accountable stopped talking to me.
Your accountability should be established in the proper protocol of authority (The Centurion Principle). Enlisting a friend to hold you accountable will soon cause a rift in your friendship.
Friends are for sympathy. Mentors are for solutions. Share on XKnow someone who would enjoy receiving The Daily Champion?
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