Day 50: Champion a Cause

Proverbs 19:6

Lots of people flock around a generous person; everyone’s a friend to the philanthropist.


“What we’ve done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.” – Albert Pike

A few years ago, while at lunch, an incredibly generous friend exhaled frustration and handed me a pledge card – a small card, minimal graphics, and effect – a card promising an annual gift of $5, $10, and $25. As I looked it over, I couldn’t help but wonder what caused his frustration – was it because someone asked him for money? That would go against his character. He had never minded giving out of his abundance before now.

He looked at me and said, “Neil, I gave this charity over half a million dollars last year. This year, I am sending them $5 because that’s what they expect from me!”

I am sure that the charity didn’t purposely offend their generous friend, but they did. They insulted him by not speaking to him with the respect that his level of generosity deserved. He dreamed big dreams – he worked hard to achieve a high level of giving – they offended him by asking for pennies.

Some men live at a subsistence level of living, simply living paycheck-to-paycheck; other men reach success, meeting their personal needs and achieving a measure of self-indulgence; however, authentic manhood seeks significance, that’s a level of philanthropy – needs are not even a consideration – self-indulgence is easily achieved, but now, they’re focused on transferring their wealth to the benefit of others.

A FivestarMan champions a cause. He uses his entrepreneurial hand to gather wealth so that his philanthropic hand can scatter it. Solomon said that God placed eternity in the heart of man – a man wants to leave his mark on the present and transfer his influence into eternity.


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Read Proverbs Chapter 19

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