Wednesday, January 15 • 2025

Day 15: Control Wild Fires

Proverbs 15:1

A gentle response defuses anger,
but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire.


Calm words control wildfires.

We’ve all seen the disastrous repercussions of hot-tempered words. I recall being asked to mediate a confrontation between two men that very quickly got out of hand when one of them brandished a pistol. A call to 911 intervened in a disaster waiting to happen. In order for the charges to be dropped, I was asked to help resolve the issue.

Unbelievably, the two men were practicing Christians – brothers in Christ – yet, anger aroused a murderous spirit in one of them. As the meeting started, the words that spewed out of their mouths were as heated as flames of a fire.

It wasn’t going well. I turned and calmed the entire conversation with a gentle, even whispering voice. “Gentlemen, this is dishonoring as followers of Christ. You are not living up to the standard of authentic manhood. We’re better than this.”

My calmness seemed to be like water on the fire. It doused the embers that were ready to explode. We should be very careful about our words and temper them for each circumstance and situation.


Calm words control wildfires. Share on X

Read Proverbs Chapter 15

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